Masses and Services this Week

Monday - 10am Eucharistic Service        

Tues - 11.00am Requiem Mass for John Edward Smullen.               Wed - 9.30am Mass

Thursday - 9.30am Mass                    Friday - 11:30am Rosary followed by 12 noon Mass

Saturday - No Mass or Confessions (Priestly Ordinations: Revv Bob Hayes and Damien Louden will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop John next Saturday at Salford Cathedral. Fr John and Fr Richard will be present.)


Next Sunday Masses: 8.30am, 11am, 6.30pm


Parish Secretary. Please use the usual details if you need to contact the Presbytery: Email:  Tel no. 01204 468209. Office hours: Tues & Wed 10-1pm, Thurs 10-12noon, Fri 10 - 2pm


Please remember in your prayers this week:

Our sick and housebound: Bernard Abram, Mark Keating, Rita Bentham, Sheila Rudd, Kevin Baggeley.

Lately Dead: John Edward Smullen, Bridget Egan (the mother of Fr David Egan), Michael Martin, Maureen Durkin


First Communions Many congratulations to those children who have made their First Communion, and also to their families in guiding them. Certificates will be presented at the Sunday Masses during July. Please could parents let the priest know just before Mass that their child is present.


Apostleship of the Sea Today is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea.  Today's second collection is for Stella Maris, Apostleship of the Sea, the official maritime welfare agency of the Catholic Church.  It supports seafarers both practically and spiritually. This collection is vital to enable it to continue its work. Please remember seafarers in your prayers.   Prayer cards and Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of church.


Formation Department There will be a talk by Fr Denis McBride entitled "Jesus the Rational Leader" to be held on Wed 17th July at 7.30pm at St Gabriel's, RCHS.  Suggested donation of £5 is payable on the door. 


Rosary Room A meeting has been called to discuss Health & Safety arrangements for the Rosary Room.  If a representative from each group that use the Rosary Room could come along on next Sunday 21st July at 12.15pm for a short 15 minutes meeting it would be very much appreciated. We would also like all key holders to return their keys to Geraldine Ratcliffe so that she can make an inventory.  These will be returned promptly.


Parish Meal Please put your name on the list at the back of church if you would like to attend the Parish Social event at Rocco's (formerly Leo's) on Wednesday 7th August.  Price £15 per head.  Paul Cunningham and Geraldine Ratcliffe will be collecting monies.


“Quarant Ore” at St John Fisher Church St John Fisher is hosting four days of “Quarant Ore” between the 24th July and 27th July between 9.30am and 7.30pm.  Mass is on Wed 9am, Thurs 7.30pm, Fri 9 am and Sat 12 noon  If you would like to go and book a period of watching please phone:  Julie Almond on 07939017317 for your name to be placed on the rota  Address: St John Fisher RC Church/Schoenstatt Shrine  Manchester Road, Kearsley, Bolton, BL4 8QQ 


Volunteer Readers - If you are wishing to be a Reader at Masses in future weeks please attach your name to the PINK(July) BLUE(Aug) list at the back of Church. Readings can be collected from Fr John or Fr Richard.


Leaving notices etc at the back of Church. Please do not leave prayer cards, articles or notices at the back of church without speaking to Fr John or Fr Richard first. There is not a lot of space and some prayer cards that were left recently are not in accordance with Church teaching.